Jason Gonzalez

Admissions Counselor

Phone: (308) 865-2778   |    Email: gonzalezjd2@usa-kj.com

Jason Gonzalez


Hometown: Madison, NE

College Education: Sports Management, BS

Minor: Media Productions

My favorite thing about bet36365体育: My favorite thing about bet36365体育 is Greek Life more specifically Sigma Phi Epsilon. That organization provided me with the tools I needed to become the person who I am today. It has given me leadership opportunities, community involvement, and most importantly my brothers.

Hobbies and Interests: My favorite thing to do in my free time is to listen to new music on a nightly cruise. I enjoy just about all types of artist but my favorite would be Zach Bryan. I am very family oriented so any activity with my family I am sure to enjoy.

Fun Fact about myself: I studied abroad in Italy, through bet36365体育’s Study Abroad Program. It was one of the best decisions I made during my time in college as I learned more about their food, culture, fashion, and even a little bit of their language.