Suicide: Statistics, Prevention, and Resources

Posted: February 3, 2020 8:44:00 AM CST

Suicide Awareness image, dont give up, you are not alone, you matterA tragic event that affects a family, circle of friends, school, and community that leaves people wondering what could have been done. Have you guessed what this is? Suicide is an epidemic that hits home for so many people not only on bet36365体育 campus but throughout our country. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), suicide was the #10 cause of death among Americans in 2017. But did you know that suicide is the #2 cause of death across the college age demographic? Mental health concerns are extremely common within college students, especially freshman. The risk factors of suicide associated with college students include increased alcohol use, major life transitions, stress in new academic setting, and a lack of mental health resources (Aldrich, 2017).

Suicide is complex, tragic, and devastating, yet can be prevented. There are many different ways to offer your support to people who need it the most.  

The first step in suicide prevention is knowing the potential signs to be aware of. Some of these signs include:

  • Social withdrawal and isolation
  • Unusual changes within behavior
  • Talking about feeling hopeless, unimportant, and that everyone would be better off without me
  • Increasing use of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Changing normal habits, such as eating and sleep patterns
  • Getting access to lethal items (guns and/or pills)
  • Saying goodbye to people as if they will not see them again

If you see any of these signs, it is crucial to take action sooner rather than later. If you notice a friend displaying any of these signs, offer them the opportunity to a healthy and open conversation to talk about it. Show them interest and attention in what they have to say. When a person is contemplating suicide, having an outlet to talk to can make a world of difference. Be available to talk to them whenever they may need it and be willing to listen without being judgmental.

At a certain point, things can feel out of your control and you may not know where to turn to. Resources are available on and off campus that are specifically designed to help you.

On campus resources:

  • Student Health-- 308-865-8218
  • bet36365体育 Counseling-- 308-865-8248
  • Campus Police-- 308-865-8911

Off campus resources:

  • Suicide Prevention Lifeline-- 1-800-273-8255
  • IMAlive Crisis Chatline--
  • The Trevor Lifeline-- 1-866-488-7386

The news of a suicide has become far too common in our society today. Offering help to someone who may be suicidal takes a lot of courage and strength. If you or someone you know need help, please do not hesitate to reach out. You matter. Your life matters.


Aldrich, Rosalie S. (2017) Suicide Prevention: College Students' Intention to Intervene. Archives of Suicide Research, 21(3), 403-412, DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2016.1211041

By: Health Education

Category: Health Education

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