Building Connections through Instructor Presence

发布:2023年9月7日下午4:00:00 CDT


Instructor presence simply means "being there" in your course. It refers to the active and visible involvement of the instructor in an online educational environment. It is a crucial aspect of effective online teaching and learning, 因为它有助于创造一种联系感, 订婚, 以及对学生的支持. Online courses require intentional efforts to establish a strong instructor presence.

It is easy for students to feel isolated or disconnected from their instructors and peers in an online course when structures are not put in place to promote interaction. 根据研究, 当教师经常参与和参与时, it can produce a positive impact on student satisfaction and retention in online courses. (Garrison, 2007; 安德森 & Elloumi, 2004; Shea, Pickett & Pelz, 2003).


1. 社会

One of the best ways to launch an online course is to plan for social presence.  社会 presence is achieved by faculty and students projecting their personal characteristics in their interactions, 所以他们变成了“真正的人”.(加里森,安德森,阿彻,2000,p. 89).

2. 教学

教学 presence is done before and during the course term. It involves all the preparation (syllabus, assessment plans, etc.), monitoring, mentoring, questioning, and shaping of the growing knowledge of learners in a course.

3. 认知

认知 presence can be defined as the “extent to which the professor and the students are able to construct and confirm meaning through sustained discourse (discussion) in a community of inquiry,”(驻军, 安德森, 弓箭手, 2000, p. 89). It is similar to social presence but instead of connecting via personal characteristics, you want your learners to connect via their ideas, 的想法, 信仰, 或者文化影响.


Instructors can build a presence and create an engaging learning experience with instructional strategies and technologies. The following strategies and tools can help build and maintain a strong online instructor presence.


1. 创建基于视频的内容

视频可以帮助传达情感, 面部表情, and enthusiasm that might be lost in text-based communication. 在课程开始的时候, create an introduction video to welcome students and provide an overview of the course structure, 目标, 和期望. This personal touch helps students feel connected to the instructor. Weekly announcements and module overviews can be presented in video format, as well as short lectures to supplement reading materials. 


  • YuJa
  •  变焦


  • 分享个人信息.
  • Keep it short - under three minutes for introductions and under ten minutes for other content. 长篇讲座应分成系列讲座.
  • Do not go for perfection; students relate to mistakes.
  • Add interactive elements to videos to increase 订婚.
  • 为可访问性添加标题.

Notebook with syllabus on top, with a pen on top of that.

2. 让你的教学大纲引人入胜

An engaging syllabus such as the liquid syllabus is a web-based course syllabus written in a supportive tone and is accessible and mobile-friendly. It is intentionally designed to welcome and support students. 学生 are greeted with a brief introductory video, creating a humanizing element that helps students feel welcomed by the instructor. The liquid syllabus is typically sent to students before the course start date and serves as a welcoming guide, 一个给人留下良好第一印象的机会, 并有助于缓解学生的焦虑. The engaging syllabus is not meant to replace the traditional syllabus but rather to supplement it.


  • 谷歌网站
  • 亲切地
  • Piktochart
  • 帆布
  • 高顶礼帽


  • Language matters - Use a warm/friendly tone when communicating. 例如, "I welcome you to contact me outside of class and office hours,而不是, "If you need to contact me outside of office hours..."
  • 包括一个简短的(2-3分钟)欢迎视频.
  • 前负载频繁访问信息,e.g., required textbook, assignment policies, grading scale, etc.
  • Streamline content by using 图片, links, charts/graphs, and icons to supplement text.

3. 不要害怕腾出时间

Online courses are commonly delivered in an asynchronous format, meaning there is no real-time interaction with students. 然而, incorporating optional synchronous sessions in online courses enables students to engage with the instructor and their peers in real time. Research studies have consistently shown that synchronous sessions in online courses enhance students' sense of community and social presence. In addition to optional synchronous class sessions, activities that facilitate real-time collaboration can be powerful.


  • 变焦
  • 微软团队


  • 谷歌文档
  • Padlet

4. 参与讨论活动

A discussion forum serves as a virtual platform for instructors and students to establish connections and engage in meaningful conversations. By actively participating in student discussion forums, 示范适当的讨论礼仪, 分享你对每个话题的看法, 回答学生的问题, 你向你的学生传达关心和支持, 培养信任和融洽关系.


  • 万事皆
  • 画布讨论板
  • Padlet
  • 米罗


  • 活在当下,而不是占主导地位. Actively participate, without dominating the discussion.
  • Share your insights, perspectives, and additional resources in response to students' posts. This shows that you're actively engaged in the conversation.
  • 及时回应学生的意见. This demonstrates your commitment to their learning and encourages ongoing interaction.
  • Provide personalized feedback on students' posts. Acknowledge their ideas and ask follow-up questions.
  • 加入多媒体元素,比如视频, 图片, or audio recordings to enhance your responses and provide varied learning experiences.



Category: 学习设计, 一般

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