商业与技术学院的学生欣赏博士的挑战. 瑟哈德里的类

发布:2024年4月9日12:00:00 AM CDT

教学生和简单地教内容是有区别的. 在内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校, Dr. 斯里兰卡瑟哈德里 从1993年开始教学生. Along with expertise gained from over a decade working in various engineering positions, he brings to the classroom a wealth of knowledge strengthened over the years thanks to his appetite for learning. In addition to his many research studies, featured in peer-reviewed journals such as the 小企业协会杂志, 全球营销杂志, 非营利组织管理与领导, 商业通讯季刊, 商业道德教学, Seshadri is always willing to mentor both faculty and students as they embark upon their own research.

Dr. 西中心的Seshadri

作为一个懂得学习是一个终生的过程的人, his teaching style lends itself to giving students the freedom to think for themselves as they discover answers to their own questions. As a professional “coming from engineering he admits in some situations “there is one right answer. 然而, 现在他在教商业和战略, he realizes that “you’re dealing with people and that it’s impossible to “predict their behavior perfectly. 出于这个原因, he makes sure to keep humanity at the forefront of the content he teaches in his classes.

Seshadri recognizes that we’re living in “a culture (where) students are looking for a right answer. He spends time building relationships with his students as he shares with them “your answer doesn’t have to match mine at all. He wants them to see how he “want(s) to know how (they) got the answer to allow him to understand their thought processes. He is then able to correct their mistakes without sacrificing the rigor of critical thinking he knows his students need not only as business professionals but as members of society.

他对学生要求很高. 他深情地记得有个学生对他说, 有时, 她担心自己能否通过他的课. 在学期结束时, she paid him the best compliment when she wrote about him that “he will let you sink but he will never let you drown. He designs challenging activities in his class to ensure his students are fully engaged with the content, 当他们与他人合作时,有机会思考自己的想法吗, 并以这样一种方式参与,为他们未来的职业做好准备.


An example of an activity that stretches and strengthens his students is a simulation game he uses in his Sales Management course. 在学期的最后四周, Seshadri creates a scenario where his students are sales managers who decide on territory, 预测销售, 雇佣和解雇销售人员, 决定工资和佣金, 做他们在现实世界中需要做的一切. He describes this game as “very competitive and states that he “scores them based on ranking.

Even though the top three are the only ones who can earn an A with the second three able to earn a B+, 他说,“没有人的分数低于C,因为他很欣赏这一点。, 通过玩游戏, 他所有的学生都在学习. It’s this type of compassion that represents his desire to teach his students more than content. He also wants to make sure they understand how to best use the resources available to them as well as how to truly hone the soft skills not every professional possesses.

He has “found out for years that “students either don’t know how to do research or don’t know how to leverage the resources available to them at bet36365体育. 他在课堂上花时间向他们展示如何找到并正确使用这些资源Dr.Seshadri在教室里讲话唯一. 他形容自己是“那种”一遇到……就会跳进来的人 技术所以他明白他的学生需要勇于冒险. 然而, he makes sure to explain to them the credibility of what they can find online by teaching them how to use databases correctly. He never wants to discourage the use of 技术 because he knows that “with 技术, 如果你不马上投入,它就会过时. 作为他们的教授, he also makes sure his students understand the need to include their critical thinking skills as they use 技术.

除了对科技的热情,塞沙德里还是一个贪婪的旅行者. 到目前为止,他已经访问了26个国家, he uses this interest to give his students a broader view of the content they’re learning in his classes. 除了分享他从旅行中带回来的产品, he uses the contacts he has made internationally to give his students the chance to practice not only what they learn in class but also the strong soft skills he knows they’ll need in their future professional life.

在他的市场研究课和国际市场营销课上, 他的旅行为他的学生提供了独特的机会. Whether he finds clients from Bulgaria who are part of a political party or clients from a pharmaceutical company in Bangor, 印度, having his students develop a marketing plan in a realistic manner helps them appreciate the breadth of skills they need to succeed while working with others. He shares how one student approached him about a client 在印度 who discussed a “scheme with him. The student was concerned about the credibility of the client until Seshadri explained how, 在印度, “计划”这个词不像在美国那样有负面含义. 这种类型的解码只是其中的一个例子, 通过他对沟通的理解, he’s been able to share with his students more than they can learn from the limited pages of a textbook.

对Seshadri来说,教学不仅仅是内容. As he has spent the past three decades in the classroom, he has seen a lot of changes. 有一件事没有改变, 永远也不会, 需要把人性放在课堂的最前面吗. He allows his students to pick industries of interest to them to get them fully engaged in the concepts he’s teaching them. 当学生在研究方面需要帮助时,他会无偿地提供自己的专业知识. He’s keenly aware that his students need to learn more than marketing from him and makes sure to create lessons that develop the intrinsic love of learning they’ll need to continue their education long after they leave his classroom.


进门的学生, 无论是在校园还是在网上, Seshadri的每堂课都有可能受到挑战. When they leave at the end of the semester, they’ll carry with them more than knowledge. Their experience as one of his students will include the spark for learning he has ignited in them. 他承认他从他们身上学到的和他们从他身上学到的一样多. 这种双赢的态度,是奥巴马博士(Dr. 斯里兰卡瑟哈德里 is the type of professor the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney is proud to call one of their own.



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